We would like to inform that, due to the nature of our services, BMF ADVICES is not required to have authorization from the Dutch AFM (https://www.afm.nl/) or any specific certification. All contracts are digitally signed between the client(s) directly with the Brazilian company/companies through a standard ICP BRASIL digital certificate.
EORI-NUMBER: Adjustment to the European EORI Database for Sole Proprietors Publication date 15-04-2021, 13:09
The Customs has made an adjustment in the European EORI database for sole proprietors. If you had given permission, your NAW details (name, address, and place of residence) and EORI number could also be shown in this database. However, this database is intended only for the validation of EORI numbers. For this reason, Customs decided in March 2021 to change the existing procedure:
• For new applications, the option to give permission to display the NAW details and the EORI number is no longer provided.
• For already issued Dutch EORI numbers, the publication is withdrawn. This means that the NAW details and the EORI number of those numbers will no longer be displayed.
As Customs wants to handle privacy-sensitive information carefully and responsibly, we continue to critically examine the use of private data in customs processes.
As government-authorized registration agents in Brazil with legal authority, we have undergone training, certification, and auditing by SERPRO, which supports us in compliance with Law No. 13.709/2018 (General Data Protection Law) and RGPD 2016/679- 25-05-2018 (General Data Protection Regulation), respectively, in Brazil and Europe, due to our location. For more information about SERPRO, please visit www.serpro.gov.br.
We do not make investment recommendations in Europe or Brazil, and investment decisions are the sole responsibility of the interested party. We only provide information about the services and/products of our partners in Brazil and do not take responsibility for any bad decisions the client may make. Therefore, we also do not require any certification or course in Brazil, such as that of the Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers (CRECI) (https://portalcreci.org.br/).
All our contracts are signed through a digital signer (Prosign) approved in Brazil and Europe, strictly complying with all the norms of the two regions mentioned, as demonstrated by DPO-20210602-152854-N1QNRL.
It is important to mention that BMF ADVICES does not facilitate the money transfer between our clients and their respective bank accounts. We act solely as facilitators in the process of opening bank accounts, while the ProFX team - Banco Ouribank - São Paulo - Brazil is/will be responsible for their complete handling.
The Ourinvest Group informs that it does not offer loans, credit or debit cards, and is not involved in or responsible for payments of bills or deposits into the bank accounts of other beneficiaries, besides Ourinvest Bank S.A. (“Ouribank”) and companies of the Ourinvest Group.
Be cautious of any unusual practices for credit approval, such as advance payments. Be suspicious of emails not from Ouribank, for example: @outlook, @gmail, @hotmail, etc., or messages via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram, or calls from third parties.
If you have any doubts, please contact us at:
0800-771-4342 or (11) 4081-4444.
Ourinvest Banco de Câmbio is a financial institution authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), in accordance with Law No. 4.595/64 and Resolution No. 3.265/05 of the National Monetary Council (CMN). Additionally, the bank is registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) as an independent investment agent. Ourinvest is also a member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Câmbio (SBC) and the Association of Banks in the State of São Paulo (ABBC). Internationally, the bank has partnerships with several international financial institutions, is a member of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), and is registered with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the United States Department of the Treasury.
We act as facilitators in the process of international payments via PIX, while the team at Power Payments - an innovative fintech specializing in digital payment solutions - is responsible for the complete handling of these transactions.
Contact Information for the Company in Brazil:
Located in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Av. Paulista, 1728, 7th Floor, Bela Vista, São Paulo, SP
CNPJ/ME No. 34.332.497/0001-67
Phone: +55 (11) 99876-0947
Email: bruna@globalpower-pagamentos.digital
Contact Information for Commercial Representatives in Europe:
Mauro Moreira (Lisbon)
Phone: +351 913 168 140
Luciane Moreira (London)
Phone: +44 7429190318
The collection of personal, business, and banking data is conducted through a form provided by Power Payments. By filling out the form, the client gives us express authorization for the processing of their data, which will be handled in accordance with the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. The data is used exclusively to formulate the contract between the client and Power Payments, ensuring strict compliance with the company's standards in all its transactions.
All fees received by BMF ADVICES related to business intermediation and partnerships in Brazil are related to consultancy and dossier treatment between the client and respective partners in Brazil, as demonstrated by properly signed partnership contracts. We also always issue fiscal documents that prove all transactions. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEM(S) THAT THE CLIENT(S) OR PARTNER(S) MAY HAVE BETWEEN THEIR RESPECTIVE NEGOTIATIONS.
We appreciate the understanding of our clients and partners regarding these legal issues and are available for any doubts or additional clarifications.
Gostaríamos de informar que, devido à natureza dos nossos serviços, a BMF ADVICES não é obrigada a ter autorização da AFM (https://www.afm.nl/) dos Países Baixos ou qualquer certificado específico. Todos os contratos são assinados digitalmente entre o(s) cliente(s) diretamente com a(s) empresa(s) brasileiras através de um certificado digital padrão ICP BRASIL.
EORI-NÚMERO: Ajuste na Base de Dados EORI Europeia para Autônomos Data de publicação 15-04-2021, 13:09
A Alfândega realizou um ajuste na base de dados EORI europeia para autônomos. Se você havia dado permissão, seus detalhes NAW (nome, endereço e local de residência) e número EORI também poderiam ser exibidos nesta base de dados. No entanto, esta base de dados destina-se apenas para a validação de números EORI. Por esse motivo, a Alfândega decidiu em março de 2021 mudar o procedimento existente:
• Para novas solicitações, não será mais oferecida a opção de dar permissão para exibir os detalhes NAW e o número EORI.
• Para os números EORI holandeses já emitidos, a publicação será retirada. Isso significa que os detalhes NAW e o número EORI desses números não serão mais exibidos.
Como a Alfândega deseja tratar informações sensíveis à privacidade de forma cuidadosa e responsável, continuamos a examinar criticamente o uso de dados privados nos processos alfandegários.
Fonte: https://nh.douane.nl/aanpassing-europese-eori-database-voor-zzp-ers/
Como agentes de registro do governo brasileiro com fé pública, possuímos treinamento, certificação e auditoria realizada pelo SERPRO, que nos ampara na Lei n° 13.709/2018 (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados) e RGPD 2016/679- 25-05-2018(Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados), respectivamente, no Brasil e na Europa, devido à nossa localização. Para mais informações sobre o SERPRO, acesse www.serpro.gov.br.
É importante mencionar que a BMF ADVICES não intermedia a transferência de dinheiro entre nossos clientes e suas respectivas contas bancárias. Somos apenas facilitadores na abertura de contas bancárias, enquanto a equipe da ProFX - Banco Ouribank - São Paulo - Brasil é/será responsável pelo tratamento total delas.
O Grupo Ourinvest informa que não oferece empréstimos, cartão de crédito ou débito e não solicita e não se responsabiliza por pagamentos de boletos ou depósitos em contas correntes de outros favorecidos, que não o próprio Banco Ourinvest S.A. (“Ouribank”) e empresas do Grupo Ourinvest.
Fique atento a qualquer prática incomum para aprovação de crédito, como pagamento prévio. Suspeite de e-mails que não sejam do Ouribank, por exemplo: @outlook, @gmail, @hotmail etc.) ou mensagem via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram e Telegram ou ligações de terceiros.
Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato conosco:
0800-771-4342 ou (11) 4081-4444
O Grupo Ourinvest Banco de Câmbio é uma instituição financeira autorizada e regulamentada pelo Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN), de acordo com a Lei nº 4.595/64 e a Resolução nº 3.265/05 do Conselho Monetário Nacional (CMN). Além disso, o banco é registrado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) como agente autônomo de investimento.
O Gropo Ourinvest também é membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Câmbio (SBC) e da Associação de Bancos no Estado de São Paulo (ABBC). No exterior, o banco possui parcerias com diversas instituições financeiras internacionais, além de ser membro da Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) e possuir registro no Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) do Departamento do Tesouro dos Estados Unidos.
Não fazemos recomendações de investimentos na Europa ou no Brasil, e as decisões de investimento são de responsabilidade exclusiva do próprio interessado. Apenas apresentamos informações sobre os serviços e/produtos dos nossos parceiros no Brasil, não nos responsabilizamos por quaisquer más decisões que o cliente possa vir a cometer. Por isso também não necessitamos nenhum certificado ou curso no Brasil como pode ser o do Conselho Regional dos Corretores de Imóveis (CRECI) (https://portalcreci.org.br/)
Todos os nossos contratos são assinados através de um assinador digital (Prosign)homologado no Brasil e na Europa, cumprindo estritamente todas as normas das duas regiões mencionadas, como demonstra o DPO-20210602-152854-N1QNRL.
Somos facilitadores no processo de pagamentos internacionais via PIX, enquanto a equipe da Power Payments - uma fintech inovadora especializada em soluções de pagamento digital - é/será responsável pelo tratamento completo dessas transações.
Dados de contato da empresa no Brasil:
GLOBALPOWER PAGAMENTOS DIGITAIS LTDA., establecida na Cidade de São Paulo,
Estado de São Paulo, na Av. Paulista, 1728, 7°
andar, Bela Vista, São Paulo, SP, inscrita no
CNPJ/ME sob o n° 34.332.497/0001-67
Telefone: +55 (11) +55 11 99876-0947 - Email: bruna@globalpower-pagamentos.digital
Dados de representantes comerciais Europa:
Mauro Moreira (Lisboa)
TEl: +351 913 168 140
Luciane Moreira (Londres.
Tel: +44 7429190318
A coleta dos dados pessoais, empresariais e bancários é realizada através de um formulário fornecido pela Power Payments. Ao preencher o formulário, o cliente nos dá autorização expressa para o tratamento dos dados, que serão processados em conformidade com a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) do Brasil e o Regulamento Geral sobre a Proteção de Dados (RGPD) da União Europeia. Os dados são utilizados exclusivamente para formular o contrato entre o cliente e a Power Payments, garantindo o cumprimento estrito das normas de compliance que a empresa aplica em todas as suas negociações.
Todos os honorários recebidos pela BMF ADVICES referentes à intermediação de negócios e parcerias no Brasil são referentes à consultoria e tratamento de dossiês entre o cliente e os respectivos parceiros no Brasil, como demonstram os contratos de parcerias devidamente assinados. Também emitimos sempre documentos fiscais que comprovam todas as transações. NÃO NOS RESPONSABILIZAMOS POR QUALQUER(IS) PROBLEMA(S) QUE O(S) CLIENTE(S) OU O(S) PARCEIRO(S)POSSA(M) TER ENTRE A(S) SUA(S)RESPECTIVA(S) NEGOCIAÇÃO(ÕES).
Agradecemos a compreensão de nossos clientes e parceiros sobre essas questões legais e estamos à disposição para quaisquer dúvidas ou esclarecimentos adicionais.
Wij willen u erop wijzen dat BMF ADVICES vanwege de aard van onze diensten niet verplicht is om een vergunning van de AFM (https://www.afm.nl/) in Nederland of enig specifiek certificaat te hebben. Alle contracten worden digitaal ondertekend tussen de klant(en) en de Braziliaanse bedrijven met behulp van een standaard ICP BRASIL digitaal certificaat.
EORI-NUMMER: Aanpassing Europese EORI-database voor ZZP-ers Publicatiedatum 15-04-2021, 13:09
De Douane heeft een aanpassing doorgevoerd in de Europese EORI-database voor zzp-ers. Als u daarvoor toestemming heeft gegeven, konden in deze database ook uw NAW-gegevens (naam, adres en woonplaats) én EORI-nummer worden getoond. Deze database is echter alleen bedoeld voor de validatie van EORI-nummers. Om die reden heeft de Douane in maart 2021 besloten om de bestaande procedure te wijzigen:
• Bij nieuwe aanvragen wordt niet langer de mogelijkheid geboden om toestemming te geven voor het tonen van de NAW-gegevens en het EORI-nummer.
• Voor reeds afgegeven Nederlandse EORI-nummers wordt de publicatie ingetrokken. Dit betekent dat van die nummers de NAW-gegevens en het EORI-nummer niet meer worden getoond.
Omdat de Douane zorgvuldig en verantwoord wil omgaan met privacygevoelige informatie blijven we continue kritisch kijken naar het gebruik van privégegevens in douaneprocessen.
Bron: https://nh.douane.nl/aanpassing-europese-eori-database-voor-zzp-ers/
Als door de overheid geautoriseerde registratieagenten in Brazilië met wettelijke bevoegdheid, hebben we training, certificering en auditing ondergaan door SERPRO, die ons ondersteunt bij naleving van Wet nr. 13.709/2018 (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) en RGPD 2016/679- 25-05-2018 (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming), respectievelijk in Brazilië en Europa, vanwege onze locatie. Voor meer informatie over SERPRO, bezoek www.serpro.gov.br.
Wij doen geen investeringsaanbevelingen in Europa of Brazilië, en investeringsbeslissingen zijn de exclusieve verantwoordelijkheid van de belanghebbende zelf. We presenteren alleen informatie over de diensten en/of producten van onze partners in Brazilië en nemen geen verantwoordelijkheid voor eventuele slechte beslissingen die de klant zou kunnen nemen. Daarom hebben wij ook geen certificaat of cursus nodig in Brazilië, zoals dat van de Regionale Raad van Vastgoedmakelaars (CRECI) (https://portalcreci.org.br/).
Het is belangrijk te vermelden dat BMF ADVICES niet bemiddelt bij de geldoverdracht tussen onze klanten en hun respectieve bankrekeningen. Wij zijn slechts facilitators bij het openen van bankrekeningen, terwijl het team van ProFX - Banco Ouribank - São Paulo - Brazilië verantwoordelijk is/wordt voor de volledige afhandeling ervan.
De Ourinvest Group informeert dat ze geen leningen, creditcards of betaalpassen aanbiedt, en niet betrokken is bij of verantwoordelijk is voor betalingen van rekeningen of stortingen op bankrekeningen van andere begunstigden dan het eigen Ourinvest Bank S.A. (“Ouribank”) en bedrijven van de Ourinvest Group.
Wees alert op ongebruikelijke praktijken voor kredietgoedkeuring, zoals vooruitbetalingen. Wees wantrouwend bij e-mails die niet van Ouribank zijn, bijvoorbeeld: @outlook, @gmail, @hotmail, etc., of berichten via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram en Telegram, of oproepen van derden.
Bij twijfel kunt u contact met ons opnemen:
0800-771-4342 of (11) 4081-4444.
Ourinvest Banco de Câmbio is een financiële instelling die is geautoriseerd en gereguleerd door de Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN), volgens de wet nr. 4.595/64 en resolutie nr. 3.265/05 van de Nationale Monetaire Raad (CMN). Bovendien is de bank geregistreerd bij de Commissie voor Effecten en Beurzen (CVM) als onafhankelijke investeringsagent. Ourinvest is ook lid van de Sociedade Brasileira de Câmbio (SBC) en de Associação de Bancos no Estado de São Paulo (ABBC). In het buitenland heeft de bank partnerschappen met verschillende internationale financiële instellingen, is lid van de Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) en is geregistreerd bij het Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Financiën.
Wij zijn facilitators in het proces van internationale betalingen via PIX, terwijl het team van Power Payments - een innovatieve fintech gespecialiseerd in digitale betalingsoplossingen - verantwoordelijk is voor de volledige afhandeling van deze transacties.
Contactgegevens van het bedrijf in Brazilië:
GLOBALPOWER PAGAMENTOS DIGITAIS LTDA., gevestigd in de stad São Paulo,
Staat São Paulo, op Av. Paulista, 1728, 7e verdieping,
Bela Vista, São Paulo, SP, ingeschreven bij de
CNPJ/ME onder nr. 34.332.497/0001-67
Telefoon: +55 (11) 99876-0947 - Email: bruna@globalpower-pagamentos.digital
Contactgegevens van vertegenwoordigers in Europa:
Mauro Moreira (Lissabon)
Tel: +351 913 168 140
Luciane Moreira (Londen)
Tel: +44 7429190318
Het verzamelen van persoonlijke, zakelijke en bankgegevens gebeurt via een formulier dat door Power Payments wordt verstrekt. Door het formulier in te vullen, geeft de klant ons uitdrukkelijke toestemming om de gegevens te verwerken, die in overeenstemming zullen zijn met de Braziliaanse Algemene Gegevensbeschermingswet (LGPD) en de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) van de Europese Unie. De gegevens worden uitsluitend gebruikt om het contract tussen de klant en Power Payments op te stellen, waarbij strikte naleving van de compliance-normen van het bedrijf wordt gegarandeerd in al haar transacties.
Alle honoraria ontvangen door BMF ADVICES met betrekking tot de bemiddeling van zaken en partnerschappen in Brazilië zijn gerelateerd aan consultancy en de behandeling van dossiers tussen de klant en de respectieve partners in Brazilië, zoals blijkt uit de correct ondertekende partnercontracten. We geven ook altijd fiscale documenten af die alle transacties bewijzen. WIJ ZIJN NIET VERANTWOORDELIJK VOOR ENIG(E) PROBLEEM(EN) DIE DE KLANT(EN) OF PARTNER(S) ZOU(DEN) KUNNEN HEBBEN TIJDENS HUN RESPECTIEVE ONDERHANDELING(EN).
Wij danken onze klanten en partners voor hun begrip met betrekking tot deze juridische kwesties en staan klaar voor eventuele vragen of aanvullende verduidelijkingen.
Visiting address - Visiting address
Strawinskylaan 4117, 4th - North Tower
Zuidas - Atrium Building - 1077 ZX
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Chamber of Commerce Number
KVK: 81840942
VAT number/Tax ID number:
EORI-number: NL9426507101
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